Antihypertensive Drug Use Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Region of Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Naresh Karki Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal
  • Kamal Kandel Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal
  • Pravin Prasad Institute of Medicine (TU), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Jeevan Khanal Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal
Keywords: Antihypertensive, Calcium Channel Blockers, Drug Use, Hypertension, Tertiary Care


Introduction: Assessing antihypertensive drug use pattern always plays an important role to mitigate the burden of hypertension and also helps doctors to prescribe the drugs rationally. This study was conducted to assess antihypertensive drug use pattern in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in the Internal Medicine department of Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital from July 2021 to December 2021 for the duration of five months after ethics approval. Hypertensive patients who were prescribed one or more antihypertensive drugs irrespective of age and gender were included. Socio-demographic profiles, clinical characteristics, and antihypertensive drug use-related data were collected. A convenience sampling technique was used. Categorical variables were expressed as frequency and percentage while continuous variables were reported as mean ± standard deviation. Results: A total of 224 patients were included. The average number of antihypertensive drugs per patient was 1.7 ± 0.8. Combination drug therapy (54.5%) was commonly used. Calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine) were commonly prescribed (66.5%). Moreover, 98.7% and 41.5% patients were prescribed drugs from Essential Drug List of Nepal (Revised 2016) and in Fixed Dose Combination respectively. Use of combination drug therapy was higher among male patients (p = 0.003) and patients with stage II hypertension (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Calcium channel blockers were commonly used as monotherapy and in combination therapy as well. In approximately all of the patients, antihypertensive drugs were used from the essential drug list of Nepal which is an essential component of rational use of medicine.


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Author Biographies

Naresh Karki, Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal

Assistant Professor,

Department of Pharmacology.

Kamal Kandel, Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal


Department of Pharmacology.

Pravin Prasad, Institute of Medicine (TU), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal


Department of Pharmacology.

Jeevan Khanal, Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tansen-7, Palpa, Nepal

Associate Professor,

Department of Internal Medicine.


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How to Cite
Karki N, Kandel K, Prasad P, Khanal J. Antihypertensive Drug Use Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Region of Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Lumbini Med Coll [Internet]. 2Jan.2023 [cited 14Jan.2025];10(2):9 pages. Available from:
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