Burden Imposed by Diabetes Mellitus on Elderly Patients Visiting a Teaching Hospital: A Cross-sectional Study
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder, has become an alarmingly major health issue worldwide. This study aimed to assess the burden imposed by diabetes mellitus on elderly patients visiting Lumbini Medical College and Teaching Hospital. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted purposively among 178 diabetic elderly patients visiting medicine out-patient department of Lumbini Medical College. The Elderly Diabetes Burden Scale was used to assess the burden imposed by diabetes. Results: The mean (SD) age of the participants was 67.38 (6.92) years, more than half (52.2%) were male, 46.6% were Janajati and 77.5% were from Palpa district. Most (84.3%) had diabetes for duration of one to 10 years, 45.6% had normal body mass index, 47.2% had good glycemic control (HbA1C <7%), and 74.2% were on oral hypo-glycemic agents. Dietary restrictions (10.32±2.97) and worry about diabetes (10.30±2.85) had imposed high burden level and burden by tablets/insulin (7.02±2.12) as lower burden amongst the six domains. Age, education and body mass index were found to be statistically significant with the treatment dissatisfaction domain (p=<0.001). Likewise, duration of diabetes (p=<0.001) was statistically significant with burden by tablets/insulin and symptom burden domain. Conclusion: Dietary restrictions and worry about diabetes were found to have dominant burden whereas, burden by tablets or insulin was the least. Duration of diabetes and body mass index were found to have association with the overall burden. Likewise, age, education and body mass index had high influence on the perceived burden due to treatment dissatisfaction.
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